Monday, October 25, 2010

Responsibilities of a Learning Professional
Below is my response to this intriguing post by Chatti:

I agree with your points regarding the responsibilities of a learning professional. As an educator, I realize how important it is to help others build their PKN. Often we help students learn how to research for new information and with the rate technology is growing, I think we need to keep current in order to fulfill these responsibilities. However, it can be difficult to know how to guide students to finding reliable sources of information. Students seem to be resistant whenever adults try to guide them and I think it is because they feel that we do not understand because we are of a different generation. Do you have any ideas on how to be successful at helping students integrate technologies into their learning? 


At October 26, 2010 at 12:10 AM , Blogger Prof. Dr. Mohamed Amine Chatti said...

Hi Jlaura,

many thanks for your comment. I think students are already using all kind of technology to support their informal learning activities. So we need to keep using them also in formal learning settings.


At October 26, 2010 at 10:55 AM , Blogger dani said...

I totally agree with you! As a good teacher we need to learn new technologies and offer them to our students as educational tools. As an educator, our job is to offer as many tools and learning opportunities as possible so students can have more choice. It doesn’t really matter what they use, it is the end-result and how they accomplish their goal that is the important part. By offering great tools for students to use, they will know how to utilize and when to use each one depending on the project.

At October 26, 2010 at 8:57 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I've seen a number of teachers and parents who are resistant to new technologies because they feel children will adapt to them to quickly and they will not be able to control the content available. While it's a great idea to give them all the tools they need it's important for teachers to be ahead of curve in order to monitor the usage of those tools, not only for the children safety but collecting usage data might be helpful in finding new ways to utilize the tools.

At November 29, 2010 at 9:20 PM , Blogger kswan313 said...

It really is amazing how fast children are adapting to technology ! Students are learning how to use all kinds of technology. We as educators need to keep up with them and learn new ways to implement them into the classroom


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